Monday, April 2, 2012

Diesel Housewarming

About two weeks ago now - yes I know, I'm very late with this post - I went to the Diesel Housewarming Party in Antwerp. They re-opened their store and changed a lot inside. It kinda looks like an appartment now, or a big loft, but then filled with clothes. Every woman's dream I'd say.

The store was filled with clothes, well duh, food, drinks and even a bench where you could get a tattoo. A real one if you wanted to. I'd love to have a tattoo, but my parents would've killed me so I just got a ready-made stencil on my arm. It was one of the designs of the tattoo-er herself if I'm not mistaken.
There was a bar, a buffet and even a cappuccino-machine in the back. And ofcourse, a DJ, because otherwise it wouldn't be a party. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long because of my awesome train connections, but I did enjoy everything I saw. Always have been a fan of Diesel, though it's a bit too expensive for me :(


1 comment:

  1. Ziet eruit alsof je een leuke avond had! Ik vind het ook altijd moeilijk om naar van die events te gaan. Zeker in Brussel of Gent geraak ik nooit. Ach, die NMBS! x


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